Friday, March 18, 2011

An Afternoon on Park

Down the street from the Fox and Comerica Park is a great place to hang out called Park Bar. You can grab some awesome Romanian food at the attached Bucharest Grill and shoot the breeze while rubbing elbows with baseball fans and business people! 

The area is in various stages of being renovated. 

 They took the building off of this facade.

 A mail slot. 

 One of my favorite Detroit buildings. It looks like something out of a Dickens novel to me, for some reason. It is a tiny place squished between a couple other buildings. 

 I especially love the balconies on the small windows. 

What remains of an intercom system. 

While I haven't been posting...

I have been really busy! But, I haven't really stopped taking pictures. 

I actually kind of had a blog-o-crisis. I felt really, really self-centered and silly thinking that what I had to say and the pictures I take are of any value. I mean, the buildings and such exist outside of this blog, so other people could just go look at them, right? I am not a skilled or trained photographer so my pictures aren't great. I am too afraid to actually get out of my car at the really cool scenes I pass--and not because they are in bad areas, but because I will look like a goon taking pictures of urban decay rather than digging in and helping the people who live nearby. 

There are numerous other such thoughts bouncing around in my head, but there are also pictures piling up on my hard drive, so I thought I would just silence the voices for a bit and post some of these photos. 

First, shots from a ridiculously fabulous sunset last spring. It was right after a rain. The air was golden. It was beyond this world.